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EVOLVED theme CM12 v2.4EVOLVED theme CM12 v2.4 Requirements: 5.0...

EVOLVED theme CM12 v2.4

EVOLVED theme CM12 v2.4

Requirements: 5.0 +

Overview: Evolved is a theme developed for CyanogenMod 12 theme manager and roms with the engine inside.

In Evolved you’ll find a clean and polish feel with many variations of colors in a variety of apps.

Evolved tries to integrate a immersive sensation bringing statusbar and navigation bar with colors matching to a very beautiful look!

Evolved will always be a WORK IN CONSTANT PROGRESS…

It’s recommended apply Evolved theme and reboot right after!!!

Please, before you rate the theme, be sure your running rom have the CM12 theme manager inside and also if the same is up to date with all latest commits. You can also point me if your daily rom have any icon not themed. I’ll try to add support in that case!

Fell free to contact me trough email before your rating


- Base and SystemUI

- Settings (with tinted status and navbar)

- AOSP Browser (with tinted status and navbar)

- AOSP Keyboard

- Calculator (with tinted status and navbar)

- CellBroadcastReceiver (with tinted status and navbar)

- Contacts

- Dialer (with tinted status and navbar)

- InCallUI

- Phone

- LockClock (with tinted status and navbar)

- DocumentsUI (with tinted status and navbar)

- DownloadProvider (with tinted status and navbar)

- Gallery (with tinted status and navbar)

- Mms (with tinted status and navbar)

- Gmail

- Google Play Music

- Facebook

- SoundRecorder (with tinted status and navbar)

- Eleven CM music app (with tinted status and navbar)

- AudioFX (with tinted status and navbar)

- CMFileManager (with tinted status and navbar)

- Trebuchet Launcher

- ThemeChooser (with tinted status and navbar)

What’s New

Version 2.4

- Add transparency in Trebuchet and Google Launcher drawer background

- Theme fab button by made it transparent and show only ic_clear_all

- Theme euphoria ota and touch control app

- Darken a bit the generic navbar color (check mms app and package installer)

- Some corrections in Google Now text colors

- Theme Launcher3.apk

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via Androidapkhere http://androidapkhere.tumblr.com/post/116803666740

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